Enjoy Hambleton Safely – Campaign information, please read if you are in business!

Please take a look at the Hambleton District Council Action plans for our local high streets.

Re-opening our High Streets Great Ayton

Re-opening our High Streets Stokesley

Dear Business Owners,

I know how difficult, challenging and unprecedented the last 12 weeks have been for the entire business community here in Hambleton.

As we look towards the recovery phase of the COVID-19 crisis, we are delighted to take the first tentative steps to support our high streets in getting back open for business on 15 June. I would like to thank you for your support and input in defining the first stags of reopening our High Streets and have enclosed a copy of your town plan for information. This is very much a work in progress and we would like to continue to get your feedback as we progress through changes to government guidance and consumer behaviour.

We want to support our businesses in doing everything they can to keep themselves and their customers safe as they open their doors again, so people can feel confident and safe shopping, eating, drinking and socialising across Hambleton.

You will begin to notice posters and signage going up across the town advising people on social distancing, hand washing etc.

A pack of these posters will be distributed to businesses in our five  towns for their own use in their individual business premises. It may help to reassure customers to see them displayed in windows and scattered around premises whilst they are shopping or buying food and/or drinks.

This is just a starter for ten, and it may be that Town Councils or businesses would like more copies of certain posters of social distancing floor stickers. If this is the case they can email info@hambleton.gov.uk to log their request.

Alternatively, the posters along with social media graphics and web banners are also available to download at https://www.hambleton.gov.uk/EnjoyHambletonSafely

It would be great if we could see as much of the materials across business premises and social media channels so we can speak with one voice across Hambleton and keep our residents and visitors safe.

We will review and take account of your views as we work through this period of recovery, making changes to our approach as we go if we need to.

All the very best for a swift and successful bounce back and please rest assured my team and I will do all we can to support you and our district in recovering from this crisis as quickly as possible.

Yours faithfully

Dr Justin Ives

Chief Executive

Hambleton District Council


For any further information, please contact Peter Cole of the vibrant Market Town team at Hambleton District Council or email me at info@thirstythursdaystokesley.co.uk

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